
You will find all the content we have on this subject: Música.

Leia nesta tag todos os nosso artigos sobre música: seus benefícios, informações sobre instrumentos musicais, apps de música e mais.

4 proofs of the power of music in early childhood education

Few know, but the power of music in early childhood education is enormous. Through it, children learn and develop fundamental skills, such as logical reasoning, personality formation and the ability to express their emotions and feelings. With such great importance,...

Marcos and Belutti celebrate 15 years of career in 2023

Marcos and Belutti, the most friendly, fun and high-spirited duo in Brazil celebrates no less than 15 years of partnership in 2023! And, to celebrate this very important milestone in the singers' trajectory, the duo recently released the first EP...

See 10 benefits of listening to music daily

You may have experienced feelings of happiness or calm when listening to music. Some songs even bring back a lot of memories too. The point is that some people have different tastes between noise and music.In fact, your brain contains...

Piano - Benefits and mistakes to avoid when learning

By learning piano, we achieve better mental well-being. According to scientists, playing the instrument promotes brain health, as you need to be creative. For a long time, there were theories that playing music led to higher levels of intelligence, but...

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