Piano - Benefits and mistakes to avoid when learning

By learning piano, we achieve better mental well-being. According to scientists, playing the instrument promotes brain health, as you need to be creative. For a long time, there were theories that playing music led to higher levels of intelligence, but this is no longer the case.

Researchers have managed to prove that playing an instrument increases IQ. Practicing piano also sharpens your hand-eye coordination, improves your memorization skills, and increases your brain's ability to think creatively.

1 – Learning to play the piano improves your self-esteem

I'm sure you managed to do something you always wanted to do. You must also have completed a certain project. I bet you always felt good about yourself after completing the project, right?

The same thing applies to learning to play the piano. When you learn something new, you have a sense of self-worth that helps you be productive in other areas of your life.

2 – The piano will help you be a star

Learning to play may not make you rich and famous, but it will allow you to perform on stage or at home in front of your friends and family. Being able to play the most popular songs will give you a lot of admiration from your family and close friends.

3 – Learning piano is easy

Compared to other instruments, the piano is easy to learn to play. For example, when you want to learn to play the flute or clarinet, you need to memorize several finger positions for each note.

To play, all you have to do is memorize a few chords and that's it. As mentioned, you don't need to attend a physical class to learn as you can learn piano online.

4 – The piano helps relieve tension

For a long time, music has been associated with reducing tension. Most of us, after a long day, want to sit by the radio or music player and listen to our favorite songs.

When you are a pianist, you can play your own music, which helps you more with reducing tension at as you play what you want.

5 – Learning piano is fun

Once you make the decision to learn to play, it means you enjoy doing it. Just like anything else you enjoy doing, you enjoy playing the piano.

When you do something you enjoy doing, you have a better outlook on life, so you become more productive.

Avoid the following mistakes – Try to skip levels

Sometimes some of the levels may seem very basic and it may be tempting to skip to higher and more challenging levels. Although you can practice the levels, in most cases you get confused. Just like in life, learning to play is a progressive development.

For you to enjoy the next level, you need to complete the current one. To master the classes, you must start from the lowest levels and progress without skipping any levels. It will take longer to complete the lessons, but it will be worth it.

Have an irregular practice pattern

When people are starting piano lessons, they are usually excited about it and often practice daily. Over time, the initial excitement wears off and it becomes difficult for them to maintain their initial practice pattern.

This is wrong as it results in you not completing the lessons as soon as you should. To be on the safe side, you must follow a strict standard of practice. Experts recommend that you practice daily.

Try to learn everything in one day

As mentioned above, whether learning piano online or in a physical class, the learning process is developmental.

Just as you can't be born and become an adult on the same day, you can't learn everything in one day. Regardless of how smart you are, you cannot be an expert pianist by practicing in just one day.

The piano uses different parts of your brain and trying to learn too much in one day would make you find it very difficult to learn. In most cases, you will find learning the piano a chore and will probably stop practicing altogether.

To have fun in your classes, you should divide your learning into different sections. The best way to do this is to practice every day for 1-2 hours and over a period of time you will be an expert.

Choosing the wrong instructors

There are many people offering online and offline classes, but few are right for you. Due to lack of knowledge or opting for the cheapest instructors, it is common for some people to choose the wrong instructors and this means they do not receive the services they deserve.

Whether you're planning to take online piano lessons or brick-and-mortar lessons, always take the time to research and find the most reputable instructors.

Conclusion on the benefits of learning piano

There is no better time to learn to play the piano than now. With the arrival of classes and online piano education, you have no reason not to learn. All you need to do is ensure you learn from reputable instructors.

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