Time - 6 tips that help you make the most of it

We all want to have more time to enjoy the things we love, but with the rush of everyday life, it becomes increasingly difficult to find a minimum amount of time to satisfy our own needs.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, realizing that 24 hours a day are not enough for you to complete your daily activities, or even see that you are missing important moments with your loved ones, don't worry, this article is for you!

Today, we're going to present 6 simple tips that will help you optimize your daily life to make more space in your schedule and lead a healthier and lighter life.

1. Reduce worry time

In the first step to optimize and save time, we need to keep in mind that many worries we have are about matters that are not under our control, so we spend time and energy worrying about unnecessary things. So learn that sometimes delegating is necessary! Accepting this reality can make a huge difference not only to our mental balance, but also to our physical balance.

Often, we take on all the responsibilities around us, without taking into account that we are just one person! Therefore, in all our projects, it is important to establish realistic goals that fit our reality.

2. Develop your discipline

Creating discipline is essential to optimize anyone’s time. Learning to have determination, focus and concentration towards the biggest goal of your dreams will help you achieve all your goals more quickly. Having discipline does not mean that you need to dedicate yourself to something with all your energy, but rather understand what the priorities are and carry out actions regularly, and, preferably, following a plan/routine.

3. Set your goals

It may seem silly, but establishing your goals when starting new tasks is extremely important! Understanding your goals is essential for two reasons: first, you know exactly where you are going and second, it motivates you to work towards achieving those goals. Furthermore, having clear goals can help you find the right path to carrying out specific tasks that may hinder your journey.

4. Plan your week

It's a good practice to plan your week so you don't lose control and establish a routine. There's nothing worse than thinking you have everything you need to complete a task and finding out you wasted a lot of time getting there. Planning the week helps you have an overview to understand exactly what needs to be done and which tasks are important.

5. Learn about optimization

Learning about optimization is a great way to gain more time in your schedule. This is the basic principle of the entire area of ​​career development and is fundamental to achieving the best possible results. With these 5 simple tips, you can immediately start making time to achieve your goals.

6. Set limits

Establishing limits is essential to make better use of your time. Each day has only 24 hours, and it is necessary to separate work time and rest time. Based on this established limit, it is possible to create a routine to achieve your goals. Setting limits can help avoid stress and create a healthier environment.


Making more time for yourself is possible, as long as you put in the effort with willpower and discipline. These 5 simple tips will help you optimize your daily life and add more value to your time. Don't let your life pass before your eyes! Get out there and make tempo an ally, not an enemy.

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