Speaking English – See its advantages and the best methods for learning

Nowadays, speaking English is no longer a luxury, but a basic requirement to do well in business, to get a good job, in addition to opening up many other opportunities in most countries around the world.

The English language has become a fundamental factor in the modern world, as it has expanded beyond its historical limits, allowing the free movement of information, products and services between various countries. If you still don't know how to speak English, it's time to take steps to master this important language.

Still not convinced of the importance of speaking English? Stay with us and learn a little more about how English can boost your career, as well as some methods that can help you get started.

English opens up a range of possibilities in your life

Speaking English offers significant advantages for those starting out in the business world. Being able to talk or communicate with other people in foreign countries and creating a bond between different cultures can help grow your business.

In addition, for those who want to go deeper into their studies, having basic English is enough to enroll in universities abroad, as well as serving as a gateway to learning other languages.

Learning to speak English can seem daunting for those just starting out. However, keeping in mind that speaking English is perfectly possible with dedication, a lot of confidence in the process and without fear, and using the right methods, the path to fluency becomes much simpler.

The best methods for learning to speak English

Language learning, especially English, above all, requires a lot of dedication and practice. Fortunately, as we mentioned earlier, there are some techniques that can help you learn the language faster and more efficiently. Here are some of the best methods for learning English:

1. Study daily

Studying daily is the best method to familiarize yourself with the language. Give yourself a daily study goal that you can achieve and start practicing the English language every day.

However, we emphasize that studying does not necessarily mean reading grammar books and immersing our minds in dense content, which is complicated to absorb.

Grammar lessons and vocabulary worksheets are necessary, for sure. However, they are not, and should not be, the only means of study. Learning to speak English also involves content that you prefer. We'll talk more about this later.

2. Watch movies and TV shows in English

We know that most of the content available on streaming platforms today is produced by foreign countries. So, watch your favorite films, TV shows, series and podcasts in English to familiarize yourself with the correct pronunciation and common expressions used in the language.

In the case of films, series and programs, watch them first with subtitles in Portuguese, do this repeatedly if necessary, until you properly understand what is happening in the scenes. Later watch with English subtitles. This way, you will learn the spelling of many words, while practicing your listening, this is one of the ways your subconscious education can familiarize itself with language!

3. Look for good songs in English

One of the best tools for studying languages ​​in general is music. With it, you can expand your vocabulary, practice your listening skills, and, most often twice, your pronunciation! Isn't it too much?

The first step to learning with music is to look for songs in the language you prefer and listen to them a few times, and study one song at a time. After listening to them, you need to search for their lyrics, and research the meanings of words you didn't yet know.

Then, listen to the songs while reading their lyrics repeatedly, until you realize that you can understand what is sung even without subtitles after a while.

After learning the lyrics and understanding the song, try to sing the song in your own way. This way, your pronunciation will also improve drastically.

4. Describe elements of your daily life in English

It may seem simple, but describing elements of your daily life in English greatly expands your vocabulary. Start by searching for the names of the foods you ate at a meal, then terms related to your hobby or words you often speak in general. Take notes, and refer to them regularly.

5. Practice with other people

Practicing the language with other people is one of the best methods for learning to speak English. You can talk to someone you trust who is fluent in the language, find a private teacher, or enroll in an English conversation or class. Having someone with whom you can exchange knowledge is essential when learning a new language, whatever it may be.

The important thing is to maintain constant contact with the language you want to learn!

6. Search for instructors

We all need support to learn English. Many times we are unable to completely resolve our doubts through research, and we need experts on the subject to help us. So, look for teacher channels on social media (there are an infinite number of them), and if you think it's necessary, a course or private teacher.

However, always remember that you need to find your own way of learning, which is often not provided in some course. Also, don't be afraid to invest in yourself: speaking English will change your future completely.


Speaking English is an increasingly important skill these days. If you still don't know how to speak English, it's time to start studying. There are several effective techniques for learning quickly, from studying daily to practicing with others. Don't forget to start learning English today!

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