Virtual Assistant: Discover the main ones on the market and their features

With technological advancement, man is increasingly able to carry out tasks in a practical and quick way. Virtual assistants emerged as an alternative to simplify users' lives.

They learn quickly and can meet your needs with ease. Also counting on today's increased processing speed, information updates and modern life practices.

In this article, we will discuss the main virtual assistants on the market, following in alphabetical order: Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri.

What is a virtual assistant?

Virtual assistants are intelligent software that can interact with users using a voice recognition system.

Available for Android systems such as Alexa and Google Assistant and IOS, Siri has already become popular and is used worldwide.

Using voice commands, from a cell phone app or other Echo devices, users can ask virtual assistants for small activities or even ask questions to help them carry out research.

Assistants are also able to remember important dates, set reminders and much more. They can also interact with users more naturally and answer complex questions about music, movies, sports and other areas.

Alexa – Virtual Assistant

Alexa is an Amazon virtual assistant that was created to help users perform simple tasks and answer complex questions. It has several abilities, such as listening to music, and giving responses to users.

Starting from simple settings, for example purchases made, alarm times and active reminders, etc.

Control smart devices it can be connected with other smart device systems such as your SmartTV, cameras, lamps and sockets. It can also be used to control your entertainment programming, such as TV and video games.

We have selected here for you some features that can be assigned to Alexa:

  1. Alexa turn off the bedroom light
  2. Alexa how to make lasagna
  3. Alexa reminds me to take my medicine
  4. Alexa wake me up at 5am tomorrow!
  5. Alexa show the room camera!
  6. Alexa, where is my order?
  7. Alexa search for comedy movies!
  8. Alexa, what are the Amazon offers?
  9. Alexa, what’s the weather forecast?
  10. Alexa play a playlist to relax!

Google Assistant – Virtual Assistant

Google Assistant is Google's virtual assistant that was designed to be an assistant for users. It is undeniably better to use searches with commands sent in English.

Google Assistant can set reminders, manage your calendar, send messages, search, make calls, control your device's camera, and more.

You can configure your assistant's voice from more than 10 possible voices, male, female, personalized commands and major events.

It also has the intelligence to memorize previous conversations, when dealing with the same subject, making communication more real.

It can handle up to three requests at once and can also suggest specific actions based on the user's location and what they are looking for.

As it is connected to other applications, such as WhatsApp and Messenger, it is possible to send messages, location and photos by voice command.

For example WhatsApp, you can order it to send a message to your contacts, it selects the contact and waits for you to dictate the message to be sent.

Here we list some features for Google Assistant

  1. Hey Google Check directions!
  2. Hey Google Check traffic information!
  3. Hey Google Check ticket prices!
  4. Hey Google What are the tourist attractions near me?
  5. Hey Google How long does it take to get to that location?
  6. Hey Google Is there parking near this location?
  7. Hey Google Or how long does it take to travel from Curitiba to São Paulo by car?
  8. Hey Google Answer the call!
  9. Hey Google Decline the call!
  10. Hey Google What's the weather forecast?
  11. Hey Google Send a message to pavirada!
  12. Hey Google Take photo!
  13. Hey Google Record video!
  14. Hey Google Take Selfie!
  15. Hey Google Show news of the day!

Siri – Virtual Assistant

Siri is a virtual assistant from Apple that was created to help users perform tasks in their daily lives in a simple way. It can set reminders, send messages, make calls, and perform searches with ease.

She can handle one activity at a time, but responds in a very efficient manner. If you order it to play a certain song, it automatically selects similar songs to compose the soundtrack.

It has integration with other intelligent systems, such as WhastApp and Mensenger. In addition to SmartTv, cameras, lamps and sockets.

In addition, Siri can also control many smart devices such as TVs and video games.

We have listed some commands executed by your Siri below.

  1. Hang up ongoing call – “Hey Siri, hang up the call”
  2. What is the weather forecast?
  3. Siri send message to Ana!
  4. Send voice message!
  5. Send location to Ana!
  6. Siri, play Marcos & Belutti!
  7. Siri, make a reservation at the restaurant …!
  8. Siri, skip this song!
  9. Siri, how much is a dollar worth?
  10. Siri, 10 miles is how many kilometers?
  11. Siri, locate a parking lot!
  12. Siri, tell a joke!
  13. Christmas is here, tell me about Santa Claus!

In conclusion

Virtual assistants, such as Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri, are useful and practical tools to make users' lives easier. They can perform tasks, perform searches, set reminders, and more.

Virtual assistants can also help save time and provide relevant information quickly.

They are also very funny when we ask random questions, they are generally consistent answers, but treated in different ways.

If you are interested in having a virtual assistant, try the top virtual assistants on the market, Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri, to simplify your life.

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