The Last of Us Summary - See what happened in chapters 1 to 3

In this article, we will show you the The Last of Us Summary. The series, based on a successful PlayStation game, was launched on January 15th and is available on HBO Max, and which gathered 4.7 million viewers in its first episode, can now be considered one of the biggest debuts of 2023.

We already have an article on our blog about The Last of Us. In it, we show you the universe of the series and everything you need to know to watch it. If you haven't watched the series yet, we recommend that you read this article by clicking here so you can keep up to date with what we'll show you next.

So, without further ado, see below the summary of The Last of Us series:

Summary The Last of Us – Episode 1: “When You’re Lost in the Darkness” (When You're Lost in the Dark)

First, the public is shown two experts in a kind of Talk Show from 1968, which, in a way, prophesies that the biggest outbreak of a contagious disease would come from a fungus: not from a virus or bacteria.

After that, the story takes a jump in time: from 1968, we go to 2003, when the outbreak of the disease caused by the Cordyceps mushroom< /strong> and we follow a little of the life of the Miller family, made up of Sarah (Nico Parker), her father Joel (Pedro Pascal) and her uncle Tommy< /strong> (Gabriel Luna). The first chapter of the program also shows us the family's troubled escape from everything that was happening in their city (Austin, Texas) at the time. In the midst of this escape, Sarah is killed by a soldier.

So, The Last of Us goes through another great passage of time. This time, the series goes to 2023, and now the focus is on what life is like in a world taken over by the Cordyceps fungus.

The narrative takes place in Boston, where there is a zone led by the military, FEDRA (Federal Disaster Response Agency), which controls the exit and entry of people to avoid the contagion of illness. The series also shows a little more about Joel's routine, who, alongside Tess (Ana Torv), became a smuggler in his quarantine zone, who even negotiates with FEDRA in order to gain privileges.

Continuing our The Last of Us summary, we have that the 1st episode also shows us Ellie (Bella Ramsey) – who uses the false name Verônica – a teenager with a sarcastic humor and a strong personality. We also meet Marlene (Merle Dandridge), leader of the Fireflies – a rebel faction to FEDRA and very important in the series.

Furthermore, Tess realizes that the car battery she bought from a local dealer when she was unable to get in touch with Tommy has been stolen. In this case, this battery was sold to the Vagalumes.

Later, they discover that the deal to buy the battery went wrong and Marlene, hurt, begs Joel and Tess to take Ellie to a Fireflies base close to the quarantine zone. In return, the two would receive all the resources they needed, including Tommy's contact.

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However, upon leaving the quarantine zone, they are caught by a FEDRA soldier when they are taking a test to find out if they are infected. Ellie stabs the soldier, which shows Joel and Tess that she is infected. But the teenager assured them that she contracted the disease 3 weeks ago, without showing any transformation.

Sarah and Joel in The Last of Us/Image: Disclosure< /figcaption>

Summary The Last of Us – Episode 2: “Infected” (Infected)

The second episode of the program begins, like the first, with a flashback. However, instead of Austin, the series took us to the epicenter of the disease: Jakarta, in Indonesia. In it, a scientist who was analyzing the body of an infected person was asked about a cure for the fungus that would kill people around the world from that year onwards. Her answer was negative.

The chapter, which had a greater focus on the relationships between the protagonists and the behaviors of those infected, shows Joel, Ellie and Tess crossing the city to go to the Fireflies' base and passing several people infected by Cordyceps in>. Joel often worries about having an “asymptomatic” accompanying him, but Tess always reassures him about the girl, saying that there is no danger regarding Ellie.

Following our The Last of Us summary, we have that on the way to curing the disease, Ellie was bitten once again by an infected person, before Joel and Tess killed him. However, the bite soon healed, which proved the teenager's immunity. Upon arriving at the Vagalumes base, the protagonists realized that the faction group was slaughtered by the contaminated, with whom they had to fight.

In this way, the series, which had already shown the creation of a greater bond between Joel and Ellie, says goodbye to Tess, killed by “zombies” tragically.

Ellie and Tess in The Last of Us/Image: Disclosure< /figcaption>

Summary The Last of Us – Episode 3: “Long, Long Time” (For a Long, Long Time)

Unlike previous chapters, the third episode of The Last of Us did not engage the audience with action, but rather with a moving story.

The chapter begins with Joel and Ellie miles from Boston, heading to where the characters Bill (Nick Offerman) and Frank (Murray Bartlett) are.

Once again, the series showed more details of the bond between Joel and Ellie. When the two go to an abandoned store looking for supplies, Ellie comes across an infected man in the rubble. The girl, after contemplating the ex-human for a moment, kills him with the knife she always keeps with her.

After leaving the place, Joel explains to Ellie the most likely theory that explains the origin of the outbreak of the disease: grains and flour contaminated with the fungus, which , as they are essential commodities, they spread throughout the world through their export.

Also in this chapter, we are introduced to the couple formed by Bill and Frank, who met each other trying to protect themselves at the beginning of the outbreak, and the friendship they built with Joel and Tess. At various moments during the couple, the song “Long, Long Time” played in the background.

Back to 2023, with the older couple, Frank, weakened by Parkinson's, decides to shorten his life, giving the series a more depressive air.

Continuing our summary of The Last of Us, when Joel and Ellie arrive at the couple's old territory, they find a letter left by Bill, asking Joel to take care of Tess, which gives the protagonist a feeling of sadness and loss. So, he imposes three rules on Ellie: she couldn't talk about Tess or tell anyone about her condition, she also had to do everything Joel told her to.

Finishing our The Last of Us summary for today, we have After Joel and Ellie's conversation, our protagonist decides to look for his brother Tommy to find out the location of the firefly base where Ellie should stay. At Bill and Frank's old house, Joel and Ellie take some stored clothes and while getting ready, Ellie finds a pistol that belonged to Frank and keeps it secret from Joel.

Bill and Frank in The Last of Us/Image: Disclosure< /figcaption>

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