Entrance Exam - How to help prepare your child

Every year, thousands of young Brazilians prepare to take the entrance exam. The process requires dedication, focus and good study planning.

Preparing for the entrance exam is a challenging journey for students who want to enter the university of their dreams. Parents play an essential role in education and especially in this task, they can offer the guidance, motivation and resources necessary for their child's success.

In this article we will discuss the best ways to prepare and how parents can help you when studying for the university entrance exam.

Choosing the area

The first step to having a successful career is choosing a profession. However, the gateway to the job market, in fact, is the entrance exam.

Throughout the entire journey of your child's education, now a teenager, to achieve the best result, it is necessary to manage day-to-day time as if it were a professional task.

In this article, you will learn how to properly prepare for the entrance exam, developing a strategy that will certainly help you achieve the expected result.

Parental support and guidance

Parents can offer guidance to their children on the best way to prepare for the university entrance exam. They can guide your teen on how to organize themselves, how to create a study schedule, how to select the best courses, and decide between different study strategies.

In addition, they can also help your child make decisions regarding their career and discover which paths they can follow.

Motivation is essential for studies

During preparation for the university entrance exam, parents can provide their child with the necessary emotional support. They can motivate your child to study, encouraging them to focus on goals and develop a positive approach to studying.

Parents should also encourage their children to be proud of any progress or advancements they make.

Provide financial resources for preparation

Parents can also provide essential resources for college entrance exam preparation, such as access to books, study materials, preparation courses, subscriptions to study services, and private tutoring if necessary.

It is important for parents to check that their child is following their study schedule and that they correctly understand the subjects they have studied.

Parental intervention in difficult times

Parents must be ready to intervene when they identify that their child is having difficulties preparing for the entrance exam. They can help your child deal with nervousness, find solutions to their study problems and motivate them to keep going, even when approvals don't happen. Create a schedule

The first part of the preparation process for the entrance exam is creating a study schedule. The schedule needs to be realistic and achievable, with enough time for each subject and to rest.

A good study schedule should include time for each subject, time to do review exercises, as well as time to rest, do extracurricular activities and leisure.

Select two subjects considered difficult

The second part of the preparation is to focus on two specific subjects that are considered critical for passing the entrance exam. Selecting the right two subjects can make all the difference at test time.

Select reference materials for each subject, such as books, online courses or podcasts. There is no right or wrong way to study, just the one that suits you best.

Review all articles

After selecting the subjects, it's time to begin the review process. Create some detailed study notes for each of your subjects and review your study schedule each week to make sure you're on track.

The importance of carrying out mock exams

Simulating tests frequently is important to get used to the test format and to train your reading and comprehension skills.

The best method to simulate tests is to answer your own test questions, thinking as if you were taking an official test. This helps you identify the areas where you need to focus more, to get the desired result.

Organize study times and environments

Organizing your studies is as important as the review itself. You need to create an organized study space where you can focus on your studies.

The place needs to be clean, tidy and adequately lit, and you also need to have all the materials you need to study, such as your reference book, pencils, pens and notepads.

Advise the student how to maintain control over nervousness

It's natural to feel nervous before and during the exam. Therefore, you need to learn some simple methods to relax and control anxiety before and during the test.

These may include deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation and relaxation exercises.

Summary of the entrance exam preparation marathon

With adequate preparation, the entrance exam can be used effectively. You need to create a realistic schedule, select two critical subjects, carry out constant review, simulate tests and organize your study environment.

Finally, one of the most important methods to prepare for the entrance exam is to control anxiety during the process, being careful not to despair or become too anxious about results.

Parents play an essential role in education and preparation for the university entrance exam of their child. They need to guide, motivate, provide resources, monitor studies and intervene if your child is experiencing difficulties.

By offering adequate support and, when necessary, specialized help, parents can help their children be successful in preparing for the university entrance exam.

If you are preparing your child for the university entrance exam, don't hesitate to seek specialized help to ensure the best possible result.


If you follow these steps, you will definitely get the desired result. Now that you know the best strategies for preparing for the entrance exam, you can start thinking about the next step: registration.

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