Well-being: 7 decisions that improve your quality of life

Well-being is something that we all seek, but there is nothing better than finding ways to achieve it naturally. There are several ways to improve your well-being and general health, including incorporating healthy habits such as proper nutrition and regular exercise.

Many of us have already imagined what could lead to well-being: being promoted, having the strength to play sports or even having the right money to buy what we want. Furthermore, it is important to consider factors such as the importance of hormones, eating routines and exercise.

In this article, we will take a look at the main elements that can bring us well-being. Stay with us!

1. Food: the root of well-being

There is no doubt that food plays an essential role in our health and well-being.

Foods rich in fundamental nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, are responsible for the proper functioning of our body.

Food is the fuel that sustains us and gives us energy to do our work, enjoy our activities and live life.

The food choices we make influence our emotional and mental state and also affect our mood: eating healthily gives us more energy and improves our mood.

On the other hand, eating processed foods with lots of sugar can make us tired and more prone to health problems.

2. Hormones: balancing your well-being

When we feel good, it's because our hormones are balanced. Hormones regulate the production of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, which leads to happiness and emotional stability.

They also play an important role in regulating sleep, appetite, the immune system and even weight loss. To keep them balanced, it is important to practice regular physical activity, maintain a healthy diet, drink lots of water and reduce stress.

Hormones play an important role in regulating our mood, physical state and well-being. When we are in a state of hormonal balance, we feel more energy, our mood is better and everything related to us is better.

However, when hormone levels are out of balance, we can experience symptoms such as depression, tiredness, lack of focus, and other unpleasant symptoms.

Fortunately, there are some things we can do to keep hormone levels in balance, including exercise, reducing stress and, most importantly, eating well.

3. Achievements and Purposes: achieving well-being

Achievements and purposes play an important role in our satisfaction with life. It is important to establish realistic goals and objectives to motivate us to grow and evolve.

By achieving goals and doing things that give us a sense of accomplishment, we feel well-being and satisfaction in our lives.

On the other hand, when we don't have goals or aren't making progress, we can feel discouraged and dissatisfied. Therefore, by working towards personal goals and achievements, we can feel more well-being.

4. Rest and Relaxation: recharging your energy

Rest and relaxation are fundamental to our well-being. We need to give ourselves time to recharge, rest and regain energy.

When we relax and allow ourselves to rest, our brains slow down and our bodies can recover from all the stresses we face during the day. By fueling ourselves with rest and relaxation, we can feel more energized and ready to face life's challenges.

5. Connection: building healthy well-being

The way we connect with other people plays an important role in our well-being. It's no secret that healthy relationships can make us happier, more secure, and more empowered.

When we connect with other people, we create a feeling of understanding and support. This can help us better deal with life's challenges, as well as help us find meaning in life.

6. Self-acceptance: transforming your well-being

Accepting yourself fully, with your qualities and defects, is essential for our life. When we find ourselves in a state of self-acceptance, we can see life more realistically and feel more satisfied.

When we accept our strengths and weaknesses, as well as our imperfections, we feel calmer and more secure. This helps us to deal better with others and also with the pressure of life.

7. Movement: improving your well-being

Many of us spend a good part of our day sitting at our desk. This leaves us prone to health problems, as well as making us tired and run down. Therefore, it is important to move and exercise.

When we exercise, our body releases hormones that make us happier, more energetic and in a better mood. This helps us maintain our well-being and keeps us willing and ready to face challenges.


Although there is no magic formula for well-being, there are several things we can do to feel happier and healthier. If we want to achieve well-being, we need to nourish ourselves properly, balance our hormones, focus on achievement and purpose, rest, and connect with others.

We also need to exercise and learn to accept ourselves. By following these steps, we can build healthy and lasting well-being.

So, do your part and make the necessary changes in your life to build an excellent relationship with yourself and, above all, be well!

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