Free calorie counting app – See how to download

If you want to control your diet or go on a diet, thecalorie counting app can help you achieve your goal. Whatever the reason, the app helps you have complete information about what you are ingesting and how much.

That is. With different types of diets out there, including intuitive, intermittent, low carb and others, the only objective is a calorie deficit, which in this case is to ingest fewer calories than you burn.

So, stay tuned below and find out the best App to count calories during your day, helping you reach your goal in a healthy and quick way.

Free calorie counter app

First of all. You need to understand that having an app will help you count how many calories you will eat throughout your day so you can control it.

That is. During the day you will have close monitoring of the calories you are ingesting daily. Since the applications that will show are free and can be downloaded on your Android cell phone or iOS cell phone.


One of the most famous apps in this sense as it counts your calories throughout the day. And you can even choose a diet that the app itself provides and choose which one you most identify with.

Not only that. But the app still has daily workouts, a meal diary and water consumption, among other functions.

Finally. In addition to all these functions that we have dictated, it also counts your calories, and the free application is available for Android or iOS cell phones.


This app is an excellent choice because it sets a goal for you based on your current weight and your goal. After providing all the necessary information, you can calculate your daily calories.

In other words, you can control your calorie consumption every day through the automatic system of the application itself.

However, this app does not replace a nutritionist, so never go on a diet on your own as the apps mentioned only have the function of helping with daily calorie control. This application is available for Android or iOS phones for free.

Step counter

Another very effective way to lose calories. And walking, this application has the function of counting calories as you walk. In other words, if you go for a walk during the day, you can include it as a calorie expenditure. And the app does the calculation for you.

However. If you use another application to count these calories, you must include this calorie expenditure to have the correct adjustment. In conclusion, the application uses your cell phone's GPS to make the calculation as accurate as possible and you can find it on Android or iOS cell phones for free.

BMI – Weight control calculator

Another application that is also very interesting for you to follow a diet or lose weight is BMI. Since with it you will calculate your body mass index and it will also help you with your calories indicating whether you need to gain or lose.

Not only that. But the app still gives you the direction where you can enter your body measurements. In the app and it will help you with the amount of calories and other information.

In conclusion, the application will help you in the weight loss process and you can add your history and progress. You are a date on Android iOS cell phones for free.

It's worth downloading the app

Yes, the application recommendations we mentioned will help you a lot in your process. Not only that. But having control over the calories you consume makes all the difference within a diet.

Therefore, the applications will be used with full awareness of your information. Therefore. Download at least 2 applications and test all the functions to see which one suits you best


In conclusion, you have several applications that will help you count calories more quickly and conveniently from the comfort of your home.

Since it is important to emphasize that it is very important to follow up with a nutritionist where he or she will inform you more accurately which strategy you should use to take care of your health food. Therefore. In addition to finding the app that resonates most with you, look for a doctor who specializes in the area.

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