
Welcome to our transparency page!

On the blog, transparency is a fundamental value. We believe in the importance of building a relationship of trust with our readers, which is why we created this page. Here, we commit to sharing relevant information about how we operate and work on our blog.

  1. Origin of posts:
    Some posts shared on our blog are developed by our team or adapted from reliable sources. When we use information from third parties, we always give appropriate credit and provide links to the original source.
  2. Photographs and images:
    In some cases, we may use images from image banks, always respecting the applicable licenses and copyrights.
  3. Reader comments and participation:
    We value comments and active participation from our readers. We are always open to suggestions, questions and feedback about our recipes. However, we reserve the right to moderate and delete any comments that are offensive, spam, or otherwise violate our policies. We promote an environment of mutual respect and constructive exchange of ideas.
  4. Affiliates and advertising:
    We emphasize that the editorial content of the blog is produced independently, without influence from any sponsor or advertiser.
    However, we are open to the possibilities of using affiliate programs and displaying relevant advertisements. We are open to partnerships, at the moment we will partner with Google AdSense according to the terms. However, this does not affect the recipe selection or our opinion of the products featured. We always try to recommend products that we believe are of quality and useful to our readers.
  5. Information about finances: values ​​the quality of information and attests to the investigation of all content produced by its team, highlighting, however, that it does not make any type of investment recommendation, and is not responsible for losses, damages (direct, indirect and incidental), costs and lost profits.

We are committed to providing a trustworthy, authentic and accessible blog. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form clicking here.

Thank you for visiting our transparency page!

The team

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