Electric and hybrid cars - The evolution of vehicle engines

Are electric and hybrid cars the future?

Electric and hybrid cars are rapidly gaining ground in the automotive field. With growing concerns about the environment and energy efficiency, many people are considering alternatives to gasoline cars.

For some time now, the automobile industry has been studying an alternative to oil, a fossil resource, abundant at the moment, but limited and, consequently, finite.

The best known and most used alternative is Ethanol, extracted from sugar cane and processed in addition to sugar, the liquid is materialized into fuel.

Biodiesel was also developed, extracted from vegetables, but although we do not find it on a large scale, it is possible to see urban buses in large cities in our country.

In this article, we'll explore electric and hybrid cars, and why they could be the future of the automotive industry.

Flex Cars

The evolution of cars with fuel concerns and produced on a large scale was the possibility of fueling vehicles with both gasoline and ethanol.

The second option would be viable if the value per liter calculated reached 70% of the value of gasoline. Despite being more economical and having a greater explosion, the fuel provides less autonomy.

Electric cars

You've known about electric vehicles for a long time, but not as conventional vehicles. We found, like the friendly cart on the golf courses, the efficient electric bicycles, which save non-athletes during those difficult times on the slopes.

In large cities, some types of buses and subways run on electricity, and this is nothing new: older people will have told you stories about the cable car, which moved on a railway track and was the main means of transport. audience of the last century.

Although electric cars are still in their infancy, they are starting to gain momentum in the market as they have enormous potential. As they do not produce pollutant emissions, this type of vehicle is a cleaner and more renewable option compared to gasoline cars, which are very polluting, one of the main concerns of large modern cities regarding the well-being of their inhabitants and the environment. .

Also, electric cars are quieter than gasoline cars, which can be a benefit in noisy cities. As their technology continues to evolve, they are becoming increasingly reputable, but still not very affordable: we can expect that a popular vehicle powered in this way can be purchased from R$150,000.

Here in Brazil we have more affordable versions such as the Kwid from Renault, which already has the most sophisticated vehicle, the Zoe. Another manufacturer that has made a more popular version available is JacMotors with its electric cars, the ‎E-JS4· ‎E-JS1 EXTand ‎E-J7. Chevrolet also has a line of electric cars: the Bolt.

Another point to be considered is the range of kilometers achieved by each model, recharging is not easily found on a large scale for road trips for long distance trips, for example.

It is therefore considered a great option for urban circulation, generally work routes that occur at peak times.

Due to their still high cost, while electric cars represent a small portion of the automotive market, they are expected to gain ground in the coming years.

Hybrid cars

Hybrid cars are another increasingly popular option. Because hybrid cars use a gasoline engine combined with an electric motor, they are more efficient than conventional gasoline cars.

In addition, hybrid cars generally have a longer range than electric cars, which makes them more practical for long trips.

As hybrid cars have become more popular, automakers are investing more in this technology. The pioneer in Brazil is Toyota, with cars like the Prius.

As it is a conventional combustion vehicle, adapted with batteries that can be recharged directly from the source of energy, or partially while the vehicle is moving, some generate load when braking the vehicle, for example.

This is the most commercialized form at the moment, due to the safety of refueling, the economy and greater power provided by the electric motor, it is very well accepted by consumers.


In short, electric and hybrid cars are gaining ground in the automotive industry, although the most commercialized ones are flex engines and include larger vehicles and diesel-powered vehicles that are authorized by law.

With their environmental and energy efficiency benefits, these cars are an attractive alternative to conventional gasoline cars. As technology continues to evolve, it is expected that new vehicles become increasingly popular.

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