Digital Signature - Step by step on how to use it

A digital signature is a means of proving identity and authenticating electronic documents. Although it may seem complicated, using a digital signature is very simple and can help a lot in the daily lives of those who need to comply with Brazilian legislation.

It is also necessary to generate electronic invoices, provide services to federal government agencies, among others.

In this article, you will better understand this technology: what it is, how to use it and where to use the digital signature. Shall we go?

What is a digital signature?

It's a way to prove someone's identity online and sign electronic documents securely. It is created through a digital certificate, which is obtained from a Certificate Authority.

Digital signature uses encryption to ensure that only the person who has logged in is authorized to create the signature.

Where to use digital signature?

It can be used in various services, both within Federal Government bodies and for private relationships. Within the scope of the Federal Government, it is mandatory for some services, such as sending an electronic invoice, requesting certificates, and other services requested on the Meu gov portal.

In addition, it can also be used in the private sphere . It is necessary to sign contracts, documents and other documents securely. The digital signature can still be used in companies that need to validate and sign virtual documents with the CPF or CNPJ registered.

How to get a digital signature?

There are a few ways to obtain a digital signature. These ways vary according to the person's disposition. If you want to use it to carry out services at government agencies, there is the option of using the Meu gov system. Through it, you can obtain a digital certificate with your identity and CPF. However, it is necessary to know that this certificate is only linked to that user, or proxy.

Another option to obtain your signature is through certification authorities accredited by ICP-Brasil (Brazilian Public Key Infrastructure), authorized by government. When a citizen who has a silver or gold level GOV.BR account accesses the GOV.BR Subscription Portal or a service integrated with the GOV.BR Electronic Signature Services API, anadvanced digital certificateis issued automatically and free of charge.

This certificate is stored and isvalid for 1 year. It can be used an unlimited number of times within that period. After expiration, the citizen will be able to issue another certificate as long as they have an active silver or gold level GOV.BR account.

Ways to make electronic signature available

There are several companies that are responsible for issuing the digital certificate, which is the document that has the power to create a digital signature. And also made available in different ways, through cards, tokens, codes and integrators.

Finally, you can also obtain it through some electronic cards, available in retail chains. With this option, you can purchase the electronic card directly in the store and use it to create the digital signature.

Electronic signature through

Regulated byDecree No. 10,543, of 13/11/2020, theelectronic signatureallows you to sign a document in digital form from your account. A document signed in this way has the same validity as a document with a physical signature.

To do this, the user must have an account valid through facial recognition through the application, have an account with accredited banks or have a digital certificate. Therefore, being classified as a “Silver” or “Gold” in the app.

Find out the step-by-step instructions for signing up here:

  1. Access theElectronic Signature Portalusing your gov account. br;
  2. Log in to your account using your CPF and password;
  3. On the“Document Signature” add the file that will be signed;
  4. Click on“Choose file”and select a file from your computer, cell phone or tablet. Only files with the extension.doc,.docx,.pdf, or.odt.
  5. Choose the location and define the positioning of your signature in the document, click“Sign digitally”to validate the signature;
  6. Validate your subscription.
  7. Click on“usar”. Then, enter thecodesent to your cell phone.
  8. Success message, you will be directed to download the signed document;
  9. Click“Download signed file” ser.pdf
  10. See the document signature in“Digital signed by” or “Signatures Panel” from Acrobat Reader or other PDF readers.

Download certifica in Adobe Acrobat Reader

  1. Download the chain and certificates by clicking: Download the GOV.BR certificate chain
  2. Save the file on your computer;
  3. In Adobe Acrobat Reader, click edit and then preferences;
  4. Click on signatures, more in the Trusted and identity certificates area, import, search, select what you want and then open;
  5. So the CA Raiz certificate becomes trustworthy in your Adobe, it will be easier to trust PDF documents electronically signed with digital certificates issued by

Integration for public bodies and entities

TheGOV.BRSubscription Platform was created with the aim of meeting the demand of Brazilian citizens for digital public services and continues to evolve. It enables integrated services to create electronic signatures in an easy, secure and free way. Thus, any system that requires a physical document signing step can now benefit from the convenience and security of the GOV.BR Electronic Signature, reducing bureaucracy and boosting the digital transformation of public services.

Any public body at the federal, state and municipal levels, as long as it has its own regulations that enable use, can integrate one or more of its systems with the GOV.BR Electronic Signature Services API and obtain the benefits listed below:< /p>

  1. Guarantee of authenticity and integrity of documents and electronic transactions;
  2. Easy interface without the need to install programs or use plugins;
  3. Eliminate the need for notarization of documents and face-to-face service;
  4. Free use of the service.

Since the beginning of 2021, several bodies have been implementing the GOV.BR Signature in different processes that support the use of electronic signatures. TheCommercial Boards, for example, implemented electronic signatures in the company registration process (opening and closing) and other corporate acts. TheReal Violator system, from the National Traffic Secretariat (SENATRAN), implemented the electronic signature in the process of indicating the infraction and eliminated the need to fill out paper forms and notarize the owner's signature. and the person indicated by the infraction.

How the integration works exactly

The GOV.BR Electronic Signature has a high degree of security, using cryptographic processes, completely digital and has a cloud solution, which eliminated the need for a token or card and allows access from any computing device.

DocuSign is the most used in the world

This tool is free and makes it easy to sign documents anywhere on your computer, tablet or smartphone in just a few taps.

It is not necessary to print the document or send it via post or delivery person, without having to wait for days for the delivery logistics.

Documents are sent by email to be signed and returned at the same time.

The documents are encrypted, this technology is used for each signature going through a series of audited conferences to complete the authentication, thus becoming more secure than the document printed on paper.

Digital signature benefits

In addition to being an important means of checking the authenticity of documents and proving someone's identity, digital signatures also offer a series of benefits.

Firstly, it eliminates the need to sign documents in person. hand. This prevents important documents from having to be checked by hand, as it gives the recipient the certainty that the document received is actually from the person signing.

In addition, digital signature reduces the company's costs with printing and storing paper documents as it allows the use of the digital document, which means the document does not need to be saved in a physical location.

Finally, it helps reduce the chances of fraud as it creates a additional level of security for digital documents.


It is a secure and timely means of proving identity and signing electronic documents. It is obtained through a digital certificate, which is generated through a Certification Authority. It can be used both for government services and for private relationships.

In addition to being very secure, digital signatures offer numerous benefits, such as eliminating the need to sign by hand and reducing company costs with printing and storage of paper documents and a higher level of security for digital documents.

If you want to use digital signatures for your documents, start checking the options available to obtain your digital certificate and continue taking advantage of this tool, taking advantage of our step by step.

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