5G - See how easy it is to connect your cell phone to this technology

Do you know 5G technology? I would like to know if your operator and plan have this coverage?

The functionality is widely discussed as the next step in the evolution of mobile technology. But what really is 5G? What can she offer? And how is it different from 4G?

In this article, we will cover all aspects of this technology. Follow us here for valuable tips on how to configure your device for this evolution.

5G Speed

5G promises download speeds of up to 10Gbps – ten times faster than the most advanced 4G technology. This will allow applications to be deployed quickly.

For example, entertainment services, games and other applications that require low latency to function properly can be implemented without problems.


The new way of transmitting data also offers a larger coverage area and more signal stability. With it you can receive the signal in remote areas and indoors. So it means speeds will be faster and more consistent, with fewer service interruptions.


Unlike 4G technology, 5G will offer greater data capacity. However, this means that more people will be able to connect simultaneously without interruptions or congestion.

In addition, 5G will have a better data transfer rate, resulting in better performance and more effective use of data.


5G comes with greater security and encryption. Therefore, all the data you send and receive will be safer and less susceptible to hacker attacks.

With it you can also have control over how and where your data connects.


5G has immense potential to bring considerable savings across the board, for both companies and users. With this evolution of technology, it is possible to reduce connectivity and service implementation costs.

Still with this innovation, 5G aims to help companies reduce operational costs, increasing productivity.

Industry implications

Due to its low latency and high connection speed capabilities, 5G will enable the implementation of new technologies that would not be possible with 4G.

For example, they show that 5G could help in the implementation of applications of augmented reality, artificial intelligence, internet information speed and video playback.

Setting up your device

There are some models that transition to enable 5g service automatically. But to enable the 5G service manually on your cell phone, tablet or SmartTv, regardless of the model, you will need to make a change to your mobile data.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Settings;
  2. Connections;
  3. Mobile networks;
  4. Band selection
    • There will be the option to select 5G/LTE/3G/2G

That's it, if your operator and your plan offer the service, your device is already configured to operate at maximum speed.

Final considerations

5G technology is immensely promising and is still in its deployment stages across the world. This means there is still a lot to discover and many improvements to be made before we can truly experience the full benefits of the technology.

It offers many opportunities to improve our modern lives. With higher capacity and download speeds, better coverage, greater capacity, greater security and lots of cost savings.

At the same time, it will enable the implementation of new technologies that were not possible with 4G. However, much work is still needed before we can truly enjoy the benefits of this technology.

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