Christmas - 10 tips on how to save on dinner

Christmas is coming and, with it, the need to save in every possible aspect. Supper is one of the main items on the shopping list and, unfortunately, it is one of the biggest items on the wallet.

That's why we've put together 10 tips so you can save money when making your Christmas dinner and still prepare a delicious menu that will please everyone. Follow along!

Christmas – 10 tips on how to save on dinner

Contrary to what you may be thinking at the moment, saving on your dinner is not complicated, but some changes can be more challenging for some people. It is important to highlight that the tips presented below are not just valid for your Christmas, but for your entire life: if you want to follow them, know that you are doing good for both your pocket and the environment ( you will soon understand). Without further ado, here are 10 tips on how to save money on your Christmas dinner:

1. Make a shopping list

This is the number 1 tip for anyone looking to save money. Write down everything you need when shopping, from the ingredients to the utensils you will need. This way, you won't buy unnecessary things and end up spending more than necessary, which is difficult when the temptation to buy that beautiful thing that appeared on the market shelf appears. But believe me, it makes a lot of difference in practice.

2. Compare prices

One of the best ways to save is by comparing product prices. This applies to both the ingredients and the hygiene and cleaning products you will need to get your home ready for Christmas. By comparing prices, you can identify which products are most worth buying.

However, keep in mind that economy does not always mean quality! Therefore, be careful when choosing products that are sometimes cheaper than those you are already used to.

3. Prefer local markets

Local markets tend to have more affordable prices than large supermarket chains, in addition to the fact that the quality of the products is usually better. Allies of those seeking economy and quality, local markets also contribute to reducing pollution. That's right! What happens is that transport is faster, so it generates less rubbish, causes less waste and emits less air pollution.

4. Cook at home

One of the best ways to save on Christmas dinner is to cook at home. Avoid buying ready-made dishes, which tend to be more expensive and often of lower quality. We know that this can become a challenge for those who do not have the experience of cooking, but what some do not know is that this act is considered by many as therapy, or as a simple experience different from day-to-day life. p>

5. Make your own menu

Another way to save on Christmas dinner is by making your own menu. Choose the dishes that you like and that are easy and practical to make. This way, you will save money and still have a delicious menu for Christmas Day.

6. Reuse leftovers

One of the easiest ways to save is by reusing leftovers. Use leftover food from dinner to make a delicious snack or even a dish for the next day. What some families do is use what's left over from Christmas Eve dinner to serve as lunch the next day (Christmas Day). Reusing leftovers is also a sustainable practice, as it avoids waste.

7. Simple decoration

Christmas decorations don't have to be extravagant to be beautiful. In fact, simple decorations can be more beautiful than those full of decorations. Furthermore, simple decoration is also more economical. Think about it!

8. Christmas Lights

Christmas lights can be a great ally when it comes to saving money. They can be used to decorate the house and, at the same time, make it look more cozy.

9. Search for gift prices

The best way to save on Christmas gifts is to research the prices before buying. This way, you can find the ideal gift for everyone without spending what you don't need.

10. Access the Pá Virada portal

The Pá Virada portal offers several tips for those who want to save money on Christmas shopping, not only for dinner, but also for gifts. Visit our website and explore!


Christmas is a time to celebrate, and what makes this date even more special is the shared meal, which is so important at this time. However, this special moment can become an economic nightmare. That's why it's important to follow our tips for a worry-free Christmas. So, enjoy, and merry Christmas!

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