Motherhood - Challenges of being a mother

Nothing brings more joy than helping people set goals and achieve them in their lives, especially in motherhood. In this way, we have the privilege of challenging mothers to have more objectivity in raising children and consequently happy families.

It's common to not know what your goals are.Most of us moms are so busy taking care of everyday activities that we rarely have time to sit down and have enough space to think about our vision.And Once we know what we really want, we have to translate that into specific, measurable goals.

So I thought I'd help you get your wheels turning by giving you some big goals that would make motherhood amazing for you and your family. See below the best tips for your family life:

Personal development through motherhood

Eliminate everything that sabotages your confidence as a woman and mother. How about that?Wouldn't it be great to feel good about who you are?What and who stands in the way of you feeling that way?

Is it your own negative thoughts and judgments?Is it fear that keeps you from being who you know you truly are?Do you allow others to put you down?Step into your power and be the woman amazing you are!


Implement a values-based program in your family. Choose a value that you will practice for each month of the year.Teach your children what that value means.Do activities around that value, such as reading books, watching movies, or other creative games.

Keep a jar and contribute tokens each time a family member demonstrates that amount throughout the month.If you reach a certain number of tokens at the end of the month, celebrate with a family outing.

Fun and pleasure

Make a fantastic list of things to do. Pretend this is your last year of life and make a list of fun and inspiring things you'd like to do before you go.

It doesn't have to be true to have fun, because the reality is that you don't know how long you have to live. So make every day a great day… in every little way possible!


Get the book Love Without a Reason and apply the concepts to every relationship in your life.

You need love.Your family needs love.Your community needs love.The world needs love.Learn to explore unconditional love – the only kind of “real” love.

Health and Aging

Put self-care at the top of your to-do list. What does self-care look like for you?What happens to you when you don't practice self-care regularly?

Isn't it better to explain to your children and your husband that you will be a much better mother and wife when you take care of yourself first?It's not selfish.There is time if YOU are a priority.Feed your soul so you can feed other souls.

Personal finances help a lot in good motherhood

Set a values-based budget for your family. What would it be like to spend money based on your family values?For example, personal growth is one of my family values.

Therefore, there has to be money allocated in the budget for personal growth items.Have you done a formal values ​​analysis for your family?It's something worth investing in because virtually every conflict we have is based on values.

Career and Profession

Set clear and balanced boundaries between home and work. With businesses downsizing and technology taking over, it can sometimes be difficult to draw the line between home time and work time.But our families need to know that work can stop when it's family time.< /p>

Put iPhones, Blackberries, iPads, and laptops aside for a designated period of time. Protect this precious time so your children know you are 100% there for them during family time.

Home and family make motherhood a true success

Simplify your calendar and organize your space. There's nothing that creates more stress than busy schedules and cluttered spaces.Bring peace to your family by reducing your schedule and your environment.Running around all the time isn't healthy for anyone in the family.

There is much more to this topic to be covered here, stay tuned to the pavirada portal!!!

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