The Last of Us - See everything about the 8th episode of the series

The incredible series The last of usbrought an electrifying penultimate episode, the best one so far in this first season in our team's opinion. During the episodes, the protagonists Joel and Ellie faced villains, dangers and brought us an exciting “grand finale”.

The last of us winter

We follow the penultimate episode of the first season of The last of us, in a new setting, a place reminiscent of the old Jackson commune, in the middle of a freezing tundra, where the inhabitants gather in a large hall to receive guidance from your leader. They are treating a member of the group who is dead and extremely cold, unable to bury him outside.

Joel's Wound

Voting for Ellie and Joel even with his aggravated injury leading to a serious infection, and she continues by his side, giving all the care and affection, trying to maintain hydration and offering food, which he realizes is running out and that he needs too much so that he can reestablish himself.

When going out hunting in search of more food Ellie comes across members of another nucleus, and negotiates with them an exchange, half of the hunt for medicines that they have to give to their companion.

Joel and Ellie in The last of us/Disclosure image

Address distrust

In conversation with David about beliefs and the apocalypse, he offers Ellie a place in the community, and says that young men who left there encountered a “crazy man”, who with a girl had killed one of its members. She realizes that David distrusted her and that he was the guy signed by Joel in the 6th episode.

Even so, with James' help, Ellie manages to escape and apply penicillin to Joel to treat his wound. In an agonizing wait, she hugs him to try to comfort her pain and agony.

When David and James return to their commune, the members find themselves eating meat, before they even arrive with half of the deer they hunted and shared with Ellie, and a tense atmosphere ensues. James then notices rumors that he helped the girl and the “mad man” killer escape.

When asked that they should have killed them both, the leader David appears aggressive and dictatorial, not at all open and friendly as he had appeared until then.

Seeking revenge

Ellie applies penicillin to Joel again and realizes that they are in danger, leaves him armed with a knife, reinforces the security of the place, and sets out to intervene in the imminent attack.

When she comes across James and David, she is captured and sees James shoot her horse, but is kept alive and held hostage to be taken to their village as a prisoner, while they look for Joel to take revenge on the duo.

Back in his community, David reinforces his leadership and authority by showing off the prisoner, leaving her alive instead of answering everyone's cries, saying that she looks like him, a leader by nature, with a “violent heart”.

“The Cannibal”

David is trying to seduce the girl to join the community, in exchange for protection and food, when she sees a sheep passing by, and realizes that everyone there is cannibalists, we finally understand that they fed on human flesh, and than David “The Cannibal”.

Meanwhile, Joel, our star of The Last of Us, recovers and manages to fight the enemies that came in search of him. He stops them, in torture finds out where they took Ellie and then kills them. The girl, meanwhile, pretends to be convinced by David, but at the first opportunity attacks him, arousing the fury of the leader who threatens to “cut her into pieces”.

So she is tied to a table, and offered as a banquet for the community, imprisoned and with no way out, she says that she is infected and that now, since she bit David, he is too.

Ellie's fight

It worked as they debate what to do and despair at the news, she manages to reach a machete and kills James. And when she manages to escape, Ellie sets the room on fire and runs away to escape from David, who finds her and gives us an incredible “boss fight” (which in the game is the fight against the boss), until, grabbed, David on top of her, tries to force a sexual attack.

In a mind-boggling turn of events, Ellie, our protagonist of The Last of Us, manages to grab the machete and attacks her attacker, in a sequence of blows that seem endless and desperate, that bring blood to the screen, in our eyes. She runs away and at that moment when a bloody encounter with Joel takes place, our protagonists hug each other and she tries to calm her down.

Waiting for the last episode of the season

Uffa, The last of us, brought us a beautiful plot of action and emotion, and I think Joel managed to calm us down too, and thus ending this penultimate episode, literally fictionalized, we can only wait and with high expectations for the long-awaited last episode of this first season.

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