Capitalization bond - Understand this type of investment better

You've probably heard about capitalization bonds. Your bank may have offered it to you, or you are familiar with the popular capitalization bond Tele Sena, offered by capitalization leadership since 1991.

Belonging to the fixed income modality, capitalization bonds are investments that work with a pre-defined term. The title entitles you to compete through draws for daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly prizes depending on the modality chosen.

What are savings bonds?

It works as follows, based on an amount invested, or through the acquisition of the title, you can be awarded a prize through the draws or receive your money back at the end of the period, depending on the manner established in your contract. p>

It's an excellent way to force the creation of the habit of saving money and being able to exercise your luck by participating in sweepstakes. If you believe you can win the lottery, there's a way to avoid giving in to bad luck.

When you buy a security, the term will give you the right to compete for various prize draws and, when the term ends, you will withdraw all the money you put back, in some cases corrected by the contracted index.

Security is correlated to the institution that offers it as the Capitalization Bond is not guaranteed by the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC) like savings, for example, if there is a problem with the financial institution, you could lose the entire amount. money you invested.

Count on luck

The investor who chooses this modality also aims to try to be drawn, we can compare capitalization bonds with lottery draws, the difference between the bonds is the fact that, in the first case, you will “receive” your money back at the end of the period.

Capitalization bond draw

The ideal is for you to be blessed with your luck, after all the great benefit of this capitalization bond is in the draw, but if it's okay for you to receive the amount invested at the end of the period, everything is fine.

All draws must be audited, and are generally linked to federal lotteries, or televised contests.

The results must always be made available to investors who wish to check the contemplation at any time.

Do capitalization bonds have profitability?

The capitalization bond can have profitability linked to the reference rate (TR) that will serve as the basis for its return, remembering that it will only be applied to part of the money invested.

It is very important to pay attention to your contract, it will define interest and profitability rates, these rates never remain the same, especially if you choose the recurring renewal method.

Evaluate application performance

The yield on a capitalization bond is not the same as the yield on Savings or Fixed Income. When buying a security, part of your money will pay for the prizes (draw quota), part of your money will pay the fees (load quota) and only a third will suffer for profitability (capitalization quota).

There is also the possibility that you will not have any income, that is, in the end, you will withdraw exactly the same amount that you put in.Therefore, there is a possibility of losing money, if in the end we include inflation within this analysis.

Understand security liquidity h3>

Liquidity basically comes down to the ease with which you have access to withdrawals, of the amount invested, if necessary. In some cases, the securities offered “hold” your money for some time, that is, withdrawal is not allowed, or in some cases a fine or fee is charged.

In the world of investments, there are several institutions that offer very profitable applications with the possibility of immediate redemption, such as Tesouro Direto, CDBs and funds, for example.

Understand this investment

Generally, those who buy capitalization bonds are people who do not yet have financial discipline and seek practicality in this product.

When you decide to save money and put it into applications that yield more, you will be getting to know yourself, studying, to have a more peaceful financial life.

There are many types of investments

It all depends on your investor profile, you need to understand that there may be better investments, depending on what you are willing to propose.

When you get to know yourself, set your goals and delve deeper into the world of investments, also evaluate other alternatives.

Once again we emphasize that our website does not make any investment recommendations, our objective is to inform our readers, to bring the economic nomenclatures presented in our daily lives in a more popular way.

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