Thirteenth -13th salary and the economy

Thirteenth and its importance in the Brazilian economy

The Thirteenth – 13th salary is a benefit paid annually to Brazilian workers. It is considered an extra salary, as it is paid in December, the month in which Christmas occurs, and aims to help people cover extra expenses at this time of year.

The extraordinary salary was created in Brazil in 1962, during the João Goulart government, with the aim of stimulating consumption during the Christmas period and thus boosting the Brazilian economy. However, it was only regulated in 1966, during the Castelo Branco government.

From then on, it was mandatory to pay every year. In this content you will learn everything about the 13th salary: how this benefit works, who is entitled to it and what amount should be received. In addition, you will also see tips on how to best use that extra money to save money at the end of the year.

How the thirteenth salary affects the economy of the entire country

It is also known as “salary bonus” and “Christmas bonus”. The Christmas bonus is a payment made by companies to their employees, regardless of their employment relationship. The salary bonus is a benefit granted by the Federal Government to workers who receive up to three minimum wages per month.

The additional amounts paid to workers at this time of year return in the form of consumption, which turns the wheel of the economy, regardless of how it will be spent, applied or paying off debts. This makes consumers look for their creditors, for example banks.

In this way, these creditors are able to recover part of the provisions for doubtful debts, increasing the release of credit for new financing, which are consequently products sold by retailers, industries, construction companies.

This is the great secret of making the economy move, not only based on extra salary, but with the reestablishment of the economy, it causes the economic balance to reduce inflation and consequently the country's interest rate.

Why is the 13th salary so important for Brazilian workers?

The 13th salary is a benefit paid to Brazilian workers s who receive up to 3 minimum wages. The amount is added to the 13th month and paid in two installments, the first installment being paid in June or November and the second installment in December. Workers have the right to the 13th even if they have not been employed for the whole year.

What's the best way to spend your 13th salary?

The 13th salary should only be used for leisure or end-of-year gifts by those who do not have debt or who already have another reserve for January bills, such as IPVA, IPTU, children's school, etc.  However, this is not the priority of workers.

The majority of Brazilians intend to spend the 13th on Christmas and New Year gifts and parties, another small part thinks about saving the resource for expenses at the beginning of the year. and only 16% said they would use the amount to pay taxes and pay off outstanding debts.

Here on our portal we already make the Serasa app available, where you can check your Score, simulate credit among other things, but what makes life easier is the direct part of paying off debts from your CPF, without bureaucracy, without intermediaries, fast and practical. Download the app or through the Serasa website.

The importance of control

The previous question reflects well the Brazilian reality where families do not manage their expenses and do not have control over what they receive, providing adequate guidance on how to use it.

We can certainly tell you that there is no return on the market that will be higher than the interest you have to pay on your debts. So definitely get rid of your debts, stabilize yourself and only then think about what to spend or even acquire new debt.

The lack of financial education has made us Brazilians devotees of “Our Lady of Installments”, we are a people who like books, installments and as soon as we finish one, we tend to start a new promise to “Santa”, unfortunately the reality most of us is that if we don't pay in installments we won't be able to achieve and carry out the project. And so we continue, we just can't lose control.


As we have seen, the 13th salary is extremely important, as it is a resource that helps us deal with different financial situations. He is the one who helps to move the economy at the end of the year, expected by workers and traders in general. From souvenirs such as a Christmas gift or renewing furniture in the house, changing a car, these generally lead to the acquisition of new debts, and bigger ones with the heat of emotion.

This time of year leaves the heart warm and full of hope for the new year that soon begins.

We hope you enjoyed our post and that it can help you make better decisions about how to spend your 13th.

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