Apple |10 interesting facts about the fruit, beyond just being red, crunchy and juicy. Check out!

In addition to being a fruit that is easily found all year round and very healthy, apple contains countless benefits for our body.

By consuming it regularly, we can enjoy a series of advantages that can help throughout our lives. In fact, eating apples is not only good for your body; it is also one of the most nutritious, healthy and tasty foods.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits that apples offer us, some tips on how to integrate this fruit into your routine.

1. Apple is rich in vitamins and minerals

This fruit is a source of numerous essential nutrients, such as vitamin C, phosphorus, iron and folic acid, vitamins B1, B2, Niacin and mineral salts.

It contains a high level of pectin in its shell, a polysaccharide that makes it difficult to absorb fats and glucose.

In addition, it has antioxidants that help protect the body against diseases and improve the health of the skin, increasing its radiance and freshness, that famous peach complexion, or could it be apple skin?

2. Aids in Digestion

Contains soluble fibers that help improve digestive functions and consequently reduce cholesterol. Constant chewing also stimulates salivation, thus helping with food digestion.

Above all, its source of fiber helps the formation of our fecal cake, reducing stomach and intestinal discomfort, the concentration of gas and bloating of the abdomen.

3. Helps with calorie balance

Due to the amount of fiber present in the fruit, it helps us feel full for longer, helping us to eat less and, consequently, helping us lose weight.

A valuable tip is to eat one unit 30 minutes before meals, or even as an afternoon snack, with just 52 calories, it helps us prepare to eat less and consume fewer calories at the main meal.

4. Protects our body

Apples contain falcarinol, which is an organic compound that helps prevent various digestive and intestinal problems, helping the entire digestive system until it reaches our intestines.

It is important for the formation of the fecal cake, strengthening its volume, preventing it from breaking, avoiding discomfort and injuries during elimination.

5. Improves skin quality

It is popular knowledge that consuming apples regularly can help the skin stay clean, when we say clean without acne or other impurities, and consequently becomes softer.

The antioxidants present in the fruit help fight free radicals and delay the premature aging of our skin. A valuable and easily accessible benefit simply by consuming it.

6. Helps balance glycemic indexes

The high fiber content present in the fruit helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Eating apples can also help our body maintain glycemic indexes and control insulin in our blood.

The imbalance of these glycemic indexes, such as sugar and insulin, causes many side effects in our body.

7. Promotes Well-Being

Fruit consumption also contributes to our well-being; most people who consume apples regularly are less likely to maintain a good mood and regulate intestinal function.

As the popular saying goes, no one is well when they are “ugly”. Furthermore, the fruit helps us to stay relaxed and deal better with unforeseen events and adverse situations.

8. Helps you stay alert.

It is a food that helps us stay alert, helps the brain to stay focused and considerably improves our productivity.

This occurs because the fruit contains natural sugars, which are responsible for a reaction in the body similar to that generated by caffeine, making us smarter and more attentive.

9. Apple consumption

Did you see, how many benefits do we get from consuming the fruit of Paradise? In addition to being delicious, it is very easy to make it a habit within our routine, a resistant fruit, easy to handle without the need for refrigeration.

We can consume the fruit natural, with the peel, without the peel, with lemon, with sugar, which is already delicious, the team has put together some ideas for you to incorporate into your daily life.

10. Apple preparation tips

Our team has put together some tips on how we can vary the preparation of the fruit.

Dried or dehydrated:we cut the apples very thinly with cinnamon and put them in the oven, when they are crispy, they are ready.

Cooked: Cut them into boats, removing the core and seeds, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, lemon juice and a little flour. Place in the microwave until they are softened. The aroma is already very appetizing, it is delicious alone or with some accompaniment such as whipped cream or crunchy cookies.

Tea:with just three ingredients – apple, cinnamon and water. We cut approximately 3 apples, without the seeds, and put them to boil in approximately 1 liter of water, for one hour. We wait for it to rest, strain it and that's it.

Fruit salad:We put apple with banana, papaya, mango, strawberry, grape and orange juice, you can add or remove the amount of fruit you prefer, let it cool and that's it. If you have no guilt, a little condensed milk is irresistible.

Sweet and sour salads:We can combine apples with your favorite vegetables, such as in a salad with mayonnaise, for example. Or not in the natural version with cabbage, grated carrots and diced apples.

Preparation with puff pastry: We need a cream, like pastry and puff pastry, just bake the dough, fill it with cream and arrange the pre-cooked apples in layers as mentioned previously.


Although it is known for being a red, delicious and crunchy fruit, the apple offers many other important and enriching adjectives. It contains many essential vitamins and minerals, as well as helping with digestion, supporting calorie control and promoting well-being.

We emphasize that our website does not make any type of recommendation to our readers, we are a purely informative website, and we strive to enrich the knowledge of everything that is part of your daily life.

To delve deeper into a diet or any other treatment, a doctor and nutritionist should be consulted.

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