How to make creamy carrot cake

If there is a dessert that is a true national passion, it is certainly the creamy carrot cake. With its unique flavor and soft texture, it's hard to resist a piece of this dessert. But many people still have questions about how to make this much-loved sweet. With that in mind, we prepared this post with step-by-step instructions on how to make this cake. So, grab your recipe book and write it all down!

Ingredients – Creamy carrot cake

  • 3 medium carrots
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of oil
  • 2 cups of wheat flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla essence
  • Butter and wheat flour to grease the pan
  • Icing sugar for dusting (optional)

How to make creamy carrot cake – Preparation method

1) Preheat the oven

The first step to making a delicious creamy carrot cake is to preheat the oven to 180°C. It is important that the oven is at the correct temperature throughout the cake preparation process, to ensure that it bakes evenly and does not remain raw inside.

2) Prepare the carrot

Peel the carrots and cut them into cubes. Then, place them in the blender along with the eggs, oil and vanilla essence. Beat everything until you get a homogeneous mixture.

3) Mix the dry ingredients

In a container, mix the wheat flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Then add the blender mixture to the dry ingredients, mixing gently until the dough is homogeneous.

4) Bake the cake

Grease a cake pan with butter and wheat flour. Pour the dough and bake in the preheated oven for approximately 40 minutes. To check if the cake is ready, do the toothpick test: insert a toothpick into the center of the cake, if it comes out clean, it is already baked.

5) Wait for it to cool

After removing the cake from the oven, let it cool for a few minutes before removing it from the mold. This prevents it from breaking or falling apart at this important stage of the recipe.

6) Decorate your creamy carrot cake

If you want to add something special to your creamy carrot cake, use icing sugar to cover the top – the cake will have that “little face” of bakery sweet. Just sift the sugar over the cake after it has been unmolded and that's it! If you prefer, you can also make a chocolate coating or use fruits and nuts in the decoration.

Tips on how to make your cake even creamier and add your special touch to the recipe

  • If you want a healthier cake, replace the white wheat flour with wholemeal flour.
  • To give the dough a special touch, add orange or lemon zest.
  • For an even creamier carrot cake, add a cup of milk to the batter.
  • If you prefer a more aromatic cake, replace the vanilla essence with almond or coconut essence.
  • For a gluten-free version, use rice or almond flour instead of wheat flour.
  • If you prefer, add half a cup of grated walnuts or chestnuts to the dough.

In conclusion – How to make creamy carrot cake

Making a creamy carrot cake may seem like a challenge, but by following these steps and tips, you will definitely have a delicious result! In addition to being a great dessert option, carrot cake is a way to include vegetables in your diet in a tasty and nutritious way. Now just put it into practice and enjoy this recipe, it’s a real success!

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